var glbSessionExpired = 'Sessione scaduta o accesso negato. Si prega di effettuare di nuovo l\'accesso.'; var glbYearsLabel = 'Anni'; var glbMonthsLabel = 'Mesi'; var glbAppTitle = 'Sportello Cura'; var glbAppOffline = 'The Application is Offline.'; var glbUploadBusy = 'The Tranfer Manager is currently attempting to resume the connection. Do you want to cancel this operation?'; var gblDeleteAttachMsg = 'Do you want to delete the following file?'; var glbLogoutMsg = 'This operation will log out, do you want to proceed?'; var glbCancelButton = 'Annulla'; var glbSubmitButton = 'Invia'; var glbSubmitEditButton = 'Edit'; var glbModalSubmitButton = 'Salva'; var glbModalSubmitEditButton = 'Modifica'; var glbLoginButton = 'Login'; var glbNothingFound = 'Unable to find'; var glbGenericError = 'Generic connection error. Please try to refresh this page in a few minutes.'; var glbFileUploadEmpty = 'Please provide at least one file.'; var glbNoPostIdMag = 'You can upload new files only from New/Edit Request page.'; //Deprecated var glbNoPostCodeMsg = 'You can choose new files only in New/Edit Request page.'; var glbDeleteRequest = 'Do you want to delete this request?'; var glbWSEndpoint = 'ws://localhost:50536';